
I'm an iOS developer living and working in London.  When I'm not in the office I'm at work on my own projects.  My efforts are currently focussed on designing and building an iOS app for tracking workout data - Forge.

I don't have a lot of free time, but I'm always interested to hear peoples' ideas for new apps or services.  If you have something to share (or you have a question about one of my projects) drop me an email at james@builtforge.com.



A journal/diary app for iOS and iPadOS, with a focus on privacy and longevity.

general info



An iPhone app for tracking exercise data as quickly and easily as possible during a workout.  Designed to be as simple and convenient as using a notebook and pencil to track your sets, and also provide you with powerful graphical data to help you perceive progress and tailor workouts.

development | general info



A simple but fully functional to-do iPhone app created as a personal challenge to design, build and release an app written in Swift in 2 weeks.

development  |  general info



An iPhone app for private teachers and instructors to track lessons - student data, attendance, payments, coursework, homework etc.  Available on the App Store from 2010 until 2015.

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